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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Deviant Behavior / The Social Learning Theory Essay
An individual would be viewed as acting in a freak way inside a social setting in the event that they are damaging the set up social â€Å"norm†inside that specific culture. What causes an individual to act in specific manners is a contested subject among scientists. There are three sorts of scientists that have attempted to respond to this inquiry. There is the mental, organic, and the sociological methodology. With the entirety of the examinations that have been performed, not one gathering has given a precise explanation or clarification concerning why individuals act in a freak way. Despite the fact that sociologists’ hypotheses have not been negated as regularly as the psychologists’ and biologists’ speculations on the grounds that their analyses are too difficult to even consider defining and nobody definition for aberrance is settled upon by all experimenters (Pfuhl, 1980, p. 40), the sociological point of view has given the most data concerning wh y individuals show abnormality. The meaning of freak conduct is viewed as expansive with various perspectives which makes it confounded and hard to locate an exact answer (Pfuhl, 1980, p. 18). This is the reason this theme is so significant in the investigation of human science. Sociologists have more data, and accordingly might be nearer to finding the best clarification for the major contributing variables in clarifying the improvement of freak behavior(s) inside a specific culture. Consequently, the primary focal point of this paper depends on the sociological angle of aberrance dependent on the Social Learning Theory and social reaction(s) to degenerate behavior(s). As per The Social Learning Theory (Bandura, 1977), one individual can adapt essentially by watching the conduct of someone else (DeLamater, 2011, p. 10). The family is the significant connect to socialization in one’s condition (Four Categories of Family Functions that Seem to Promote Delinquent Behavior, p. 1). In the family, separate, clash inside family, disregard, misuse, and degenerate guardians are the principle determinates for the offspring’s activities or conduct. Early specialists originally thought parental nonattendance just influenced young ladies and individuals from the white populace. Current examination finds that the absence of management or backing of the child’s needs is a connect to wrongdoing in any race. It happens more in single parent homes since they have a progressively troublesome time giving oversight and backing. Neediness can be another explanation inside the family for strife since it can prompt both family separations and wrongd oing. Kids need close and steady associations with guardians. The failure to converse with guardians additionally advances aberrance inside the home. The kid may feel that they have to acquire consideration somewhere else, in this manner acting in a freak way if their folks are not there to give direction and backing. Guardians can forestall this kind of conduct by being able, giving non-forceful discipline, and by being steady so as to construct the child’s self-assurance. Family strife has more harming consequences for kids than separate, though parental demise has less effect than separate (Four Categories of Family Functions that Seem to Promote Delinquent Behavior, p. 2). At the point when a parent kicks the bucket a youngster at any rate realizes that the parent would not like to leave on his own terms and most likely didn't perpetrate any maltreatment to their mind before the parent dies. Additionally, if a kid despite everything has contact with the two guardians after a separation the more outlandish the youngster will feel dismissed and want to respond with degenerate conduct. Family size likewise leaves an immature without the vital consideration they need as a person. Center youngsters are bound to display degenerate conduct since they go unnoticed more than their more youthful or more established kin. The lawful meaning of misuse and disregard fluctuates from state to state however does, in any structure, make genuine ramifications for conduct. This maltreatment as well as disregard happens in supported examples, which causes pressure, poor confidence, forcefulness, absence of sympathy, and less collaborations with peers. Youngster misuse is characterized as any physical or passionate injury to a kid for which no sensible clarification is found. Disregard alludes to the hardship that kids endure on account of guardians (Deviance: Behavior that Violates Norms, p. 1). Such segments that applyâ to these definitions are non-coincidental physical injury and disregard, psychological mistreatment or disregard, sexual maltreatment, and deserting. More than one million youth in America are exposed to manhandle every year. As far as sexual maltreatment, one out of ten manhandled are young men, and one out of three of them are young ladies. It is obscure what number of cases go unreported in any zone of misuse or disregard every year. From 1980 to 1986, the quantity of announced cases rose 60%. The most widely recognized explanation behind guardians mishandling their kids is because of a taken in work they gained from their folks. This propensity to go down freak conduct through ages is a pattern of family savagery (Lemert, 1972, p. 48). Guardians can't separate youth injuries from the connections they have with their own children. Another undesirable thing to gain from a parent is the inclination of segregation from loved ones. This is progressivel y regular is single parent families and lower financial classes. In the event that an individual is living in a lower class, single-parent condition, that individual is at a genuine hindrance. It might be on the grounds that they don't feel they are adequate to have a place in the domains of society. Misconduct is the point at which a kid showcases their antagonistic vibe towards the parent or abuser in a degenerate way (Lemert, 1972, p. 59). Guardians need to give sufficient direction and discipline to their youngster when the kid displays freak conduct; in any case, the issue is that a few guardians don't see or decide not to see the child’s degenerate conduct. Different impacts outside of the home can make an individual demonstration in a freak way. Companions, media pictures, and others in the public arena build up what the â€Å"norm†ought to be in a given territory or culture. What is considered â€Å"normal†can be generally extraordinary in different regions of the world. What is viewed as freak can be changed after some time once society in general feels increasingly good and tolerating of the particular kind of degenerate conduct. For example, just certain individuals once got tattoos and now it is a current prevailing fashion to cover the whole body with them. Media depicts models and acclaimed figures with surprising tattoos, piercings, and certain perspectives as â€Å"normal†and worthy to young people in today’s culture. There are more fiend admirers, or so they depict, in the music business. This suggests to kids that it is cool to wear the dark garments and act to some degree gothic. This is only one model. It might rely upon the individual with regards to how much theirâ peers and media impact them to conflict with the â€Å"norms†. When an individual is named freak, they as a rule keep on reacting to society as though they are degenerate. This part of abnormality is known as The Labeling Theory. There are sociologists who look to discover why certain demonstrations are characterized as criminal, and others are definitely not. They additionally question how and why certain individuals become characterized as a lawbreaker or degenerate. In this domain of study, the demonstrations that they perform are not noteworthy to the hoodlums, however it is the social response to them that is (Becker, p. 1). The reaction and name from others in the public arena, for example, peers, are the means by which the people see themselves. At the point when an individual plays out a degenerate demonstration, they are then named by society and isolated from the â€Å"normal†individuals. Such marks in today’s society are prostitute, abuser, washout, and so on. These individuals are then outcasts and partner with others who have been thrown out of the cultural â€Å"norm†. At the point when an ever increasing number of individuals inside the â€Å"norm†of society think about these individuals as degenerate, at that point these individuals performing freak practices think they are freak as well. The Labeling Theory expresses that once they feel along these lines, they will keep on carrying on in the manner society currently anticipates that them should act. The inquiry is, are people hereditarily inclined to freak conduct, or do the individuals around them impact them to act along these lines? The sociological point of view is the factor that has been the least addressed clarification despite the fact that it doesn't generally give the specific legitimization for the source of the degenerate conduct. Sociologists gain from social impacts in lieu of natural or mental inclinations. As opposed to worry with conduct from specific individuals, sociologists see aberrance as a conduct occupied with an individual by having a typical sociocultural or similar encounters inside a culture. Edwin H. Sutherland clarifies that degenerate and non-freak practices are found out in similar manners through his Differential Association Theory. Sutherland shows that criminal conduct is found out from private gatherings by the methods for correspondence. At the point when they figure out acceptable behavior in a freak way, they realize what is associated with, and what drives an individual to carry out a wrongdoing. This shifts in individuals who have various attributes and learning capacities. In any case, one gathering may see certain conduct as degenerate, for example shoplifting, while others may see shoplifting as legitimized on the grounds that organizations charge a lot of cash. Theâ viewpoint of each gathering creates by watching others and impersonating their conduct, also called The Social Learning Theory (DeLamater, 2011, p. 386). Whatever the reason for degenerate conduct, it is a significant issue inside society. The specific determinates that add to a person’s degenerate conduct are dubious. It might be from acquired attributes, conduct gained from society and family, or even a mix of the two. The social collaboration surely prompts The Labeling Theory and how people may endeavor to meet the desires for their â€
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Window of Vulnerability Calculation Essay Example
Window of Vulnerability Calculation Paper Compute THE WINDOW OF VULNERABILITY A security break has been distinguished inside a little Microsoft workgroup LAN. The workgroup comprises of three essential workgroups which contain bunch participation arrangements of clients inside the Active Directory foundation that at present exists on the SMB Server that is situated inside the bounds of the LAN structure. The security break, which is characterized as any occasion that outcomes in an infringement of any of the CIA (privacy, trustworthiness, accessibility) security standards, was brought about by the SMB server being gotten to by an unapproved client because of a security opening that was distinguished by the server programming producer the earlier day. The security fix won't be accessible until conceivable up to three days, yet ideally inside that time span. What's more, the LAN executive needs at any rate multi week (least) to download, test, and introduce the fix. To figure the Window of Vulnerability (WoV) for this security break, the accompanying course of events will be utilized as a rule to decide the reason for count: However, first it is imperative to comprehend the factors considered in this timetable recipe. The WoV is the period inside which protective measures are decreased, bargained, or lacking. The WoV covers a course of events from the second a defenselessness is found and recognized by the seller. We will compose a custom paper test on Window of Vulnerability Calculation explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Window of Vulnerability Calculation explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Window of Vulnerability Calculation explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer It likewise incorporates the time taken to make, distribute, lastly apply a fix to the powerlessness. It is additionally critical to investigate the device(s) that were focused by the assault. In this example, being the SMB server inside the LAN. The SMB server uses an application layer organize convention, which can run on the meeting layer. It gives shared access to documents, printers, sequential ports, and system hubs (workstations, PCs, work areas, and so on ) and gives a customer/server relationship all through the system. This implies each space layer of the IT Infrastructure can be influenced at some level by this security break that has happened, which must be considered in the time span investigation of the WoV also. Likewise, it is essential to consider precisely how this security penetrate happened, when deciding counter-measures to contain and diminish the probability of any such events from happening once more. In any case, these components are not entirely of the course of events for figuring the WoV, however ought to be tended to when understanding the WoV. The security opening that was identified by the server programming manu-facturer the earlier day gave the unapproved client a lucky opening/defenselessness by finding the secondary passage (security gap) to get to assets and sidestep existing security controls, secret word encryption, and access controls that were set up to ensure the IT framework. It is conceivable that an utility, for example, netcat was utilized or a rootkit or some sort of Trojan pony indirect access programming or gadget. Computation of Window of Vulnerability: Factors to consider in the course of events: * 1 Day Ago = Security Hole Detected by Manufacturer * 3 Days = A fix will be Available 1 Week = Minimum time for LAN administrator to download/test/introduce fix Therefore, Day 0 = 09/28/12; + 3 days = 10/01/12; + 7 days = 10/08/12 (min) *[+ 2 days extra for any potential problems] 10/10/12 = Day n . This can be delineated in the accompanying graphical showcase: Day n = an aggregate of 13 days have slipped by from Day 0 . Taking everything into account, the WoV would be 13 days dependent on this time period. *You could possibly compute the WoV to be 11 days without including the extra 2 days I figured in for room for mistakes/potential issues. Notwithstanding, it is ideal to consistently compute on a most dire outcome imaginable premise while ascertaining the Window of Vulnerability
Monday, August 10, 2020
The Best Books That We Read in February of 2017
The Best Books That We Read in February of 2017 We asked our contributors to share the best book they read this month. We’ve got fiction, nonfiction, YA, and much, much more- there are book recommendations for everyone here! Some are old, some are new, and some aren’t even out yet. Enjoy and tell us about the highlight of your reading month in the comments. Autumn by Ali Smith Ali Smith’s newest novel continues to convince me that she is an otherworldly being operating on a whole different level of consciousness. This book made my brain giddy with happiness, as she dropped concise comment after comment about life and death and politics into the beautiful threads of the narrative. Hailed by the New York Times as the “first great Brexit novel,†Autumn follows a May-December friendship between 100-year-old Daniel and 30-year-old Elizabeth. Neighbors when Elizabeth was small, Daniel taught her about 1960s female pop artists and started Elizabeth down her career as a writer. Now Daniel is in hospice, the United Kingdom is in turmoil, and Elizabeth doesn’t know how to make sense of love in her life. Narrated by both of them, this book is a brilliant, sweet tale of gentle souls with unique minds against the harsh cold of the world. It’s possibly her best one yet. Liberty Hardy After the Fall by Kate Hart I was surprised by how much this debut young adult novel affected me. I loved the complicated relationship between a young woman from a poor, single parent family and two brothers from a well-adjusted, more affluent family in a familiar Ozark setting. All the characters were complex and flawed, and the depiction of a hard-partying crowd of high school kids felt very true. It brought up important issues of consent in romantic relationships, and the ending felt like a sucker punch in the gut, which was apparently just what I needed this month. While not a perfect novelâ€"the transition between different points of view didn’t always workâ€"it was an enjoyable read. Molly Wetta Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson A piercing story about 16 year old Mary Jackson living her life on the margins after allegedly killing a baby when she is nine years old. This book will take readers on a gamut of emotions. The pacing of the story, intricate plot, and compelling characters will stay with readers long after reading. Christina Vortia The Animators by Kayla Rae Whitaker I loved this book about two women who get to behave exactly like male artists (who Jenny Offil might call “art monstersâ€). Sharon and Mel are the best kind of difficult women: driven, self-loathing, southern, crude, and talented as all hell. Their bad behavior isn’t always in service of their creative goals but it is always excused that way. This book is also one of the few books I’ve read lately that’s about what it means to live in a body pleasure, all sorts of fluids, disfunction, and all. If you’re a fan of stories about problematic “creative geniuses†read this book. Ashley Bowen-Murphy Black Man in a White Coat by Damon Tweedy A look at one mans experiences as a black doctor and how the issues of race have influenced him. For example, on his first day at Duke University medical school, one of his professors assumed he was a custodian and asked him to fix the lightbulbs. This was in the 1990s. WTF. Its been a really interesting book so far (Im not quite finished). I like that Tweedy doesnt shy away from his own prejudices that he had and learned to overcome in his practice. Kristen McQuinn Born a Crime by Trevor Noah I’m joining the club of other Rioters who have read and loved this one. Something you should know about me: memoirs are NOT my jam. I can count on one hand the memoirs I’ve read and enjoyed, so I was honestly shocked by how much I loved reading Born a Crime. Noah can tell a story like nobody’s business, and very often his tales weave tragedy and comedy together in the best way imaginable. I also have to admire Noah’s bare-bones honesty; he really doesn’t front at all. If you’re the type of person who wants a book that can make you laugh and cry in public, this is the one you’ve been looking for. Tasha Brandstatter Buffering: Unshared Tales of a Fully Loaded Life by Hannah Hart This collection of narrative essays explores stories that Hannah has not told on her popular YouTube channels. Hannah, of My Drunk Kitchen fame, writes raw, honest, and heartfelt stories about her childhood and dealing with her mother’s mental illness, her father’s religious stringency, and her own sexuality. This book is a great look into struggles of coming into adulthood, dealing with family, and growing up in a less than perfect environment. I listened to the audio, which is read by the author, and I highly recommend this format because Hannah Hart gives an excellent audio performance. Amanda Kay Oaks Cannibalism: A Perfectly Natural History by Bill Schutt I read some excellent books in February, but nothing made me as gleefully happy as this book did. Lest you think I am an aspiring cannibal, it’s important to know that this is not a gruesome, sensational retelling of cannibalism among modern serial killers; Schutt respectfully stays away from that in favor of exploring the history of cannibalism from a biological and anthropological viewpoint. So no Jeffrey Dahmer, and plenty of spiders sacrificing themselves up to their young and slugs getting so tangled up in reproduction they have to chew their genitals off to escape! It’s a fun, entertaining read, and Bill Schutt’s insatiable curiosity for his subject is infectious (although I don’t think I’ll be eating placenta like he did). If you’re a fan of Mary Roach, you’ll definitely want to check this out. Gina Nicoll A Conjuring of Light by V. E. Schwab (Tor Books, February 21, 2017) The final book in Schwab’s Shades of Magic series brings all the tension, conflict, and romance home to roost in this final installment. Picking up from the incredibly tense cliffhanger at the end of A Gathering of Shadows, Schwab hits the ground running and doesn’t let up for the first third of the book, as the sentient, all-consuming Osaron invades Red London for its own deific ambitions. To say too much of the plot would be to give too much away, but needless to say, Schwab has never been in finer form. Her prose is violin-string tight and just as sharp and melodic. Her characters have never been truer, their pain and their fear and their power and their loves in full bloom and on full display as the worlds they know and love are on the verge of collapse. While I’m not quite finished with the book, this is certainly one of the best books I’ve read this month, and quite possibly the year to come. Schwab’s passion for this world and these characters is the bright, molten l ove guiding the reader through this final installment, and as I fast approach the end, I have complete faith that not only will she stick the landing, she will make it look effortless. If you’ve not read this series yet, you now have no excuse. You’re missing out on one of the best series in fantasy in quite some time. Marty Cahill Dear Ijeawele or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Knopf, March 7) In We Should All Be Feminists, Adichie distilled the essence of feminism into a powerful 64-page treatise. Now, in Dear Ijeawele, she goes a step further and covers every feminist topic you can imagineâ€"domestic chores, gendered language, female sexuality, objectification, race, and much moreâ€"in the space of 80 pages. I am amazed at Adichie’s ability to communicate so effectively and efficiently. If you liked We Should All Be Feminists, you will LOVE Dear Ijeawele. Kate Scott Edgar and Lucy by Victor Lodato (St. Martin’s Press, March 7, 2017) To start with, the cover on this book is a thing of beauty. I’ve talked about the cover art on this advanced reading copy more times than I’d like to admit. But most importantly, this is the engrossing story of a boy with albinism and the relationships he shares with his emotionally stunted mother, his suffocating grandmother and the ghost of his psychologically impaired father. Time and reality shifts keep it from being a simple tale of a young boy and Lodato’s writing brings you into the minds of each of his characters. I am about two-thirds of the way through and it is already in serious contention for my favorite book of 2017. Elizabeth Allen Exit West by Mohsin Hamid (Riverhead, March 7) Saeed and Nadia, a young couple keeping their relationship secret, escape their war-torn South Asian country (We are never told where exactly they’re from) through mystical doors that transport migrants from safe place to safe place. The doors appear all over the globe and people step out into new countries easily. But being a refugee is not easy, and they must always be on the lookout, and as they learn to start over and survive, Saeed and Nadias relationship moves through peaks and valleys. I was in a trance while I read Exit West. Mohsin Hamids writing is flawless, enrapturing, and left me breathless. Ashley Holstrom The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker I must admit, the first thing that drew me to this beauty is its gorgeous cover. The blue-and-gold front is just too tempting to resist. But the story within its pages gives the cover a run for its money: engaging characters and immersive setting combine to transport us from our couches to 1899 alternate-reality New York. Its like Alladin for adults! Dana Rosette Pangan Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly (William Morrow) I committed a book nerd faux pas by going to see the movie Hidden Figures before actually reading the book. As with almost all adaptations, getting to the original has definitely been worth it. Margot Lee Shetterly’s book is much broader than the movie, and does more to put the work of the black female mathematicians and engineers in the context of their time and place. It’s a wide-ranging read that I’ve enjoyed making my way through this month. Kim Ukura The Inexplicable Logic of My Life by Benjamin Alire Sáenz (Clarion Books, March 7, 2017) This book is written with the same beautiful prose that we all experienced in Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. It is about Salvadore and his father Vicente, but it’s also about Salvadore and his best friend Samantha, and it’s also about Salvadore and his dying grandmother Mima, but it’s also about Salvadore and his mother that died when Sal was a young child and the birth father that he never met. Filled with complexity and beauty, the author shines once again at writing about relationships and the complicated business of growing up. This is one gorgeous novel. Karina Glaser The Last Days Of Ava Langdon by Mark O’Flynn This book is such a gem. Ava is an unforgettable character. Similarly to Mrs. Dalloway, the novel follows a day in the life of elderly Ava Langdon, an eccentric hermit on the verge of publishing her next bestselling novel. Known as a general menace to everyone in town (possibly having something to do with the fact that she carries a machete and once chopped a library book in half with it, and that she enjoys crossdressing and pretending to be Oscar Wilde), Ava makes her own rules. As the book progresses, it’s increasingly clear that Ava is neither mentally nor physically stable. I really loved this book. It’s heartbreaking and hilarious. I can’t remember the last time I literally laughed out loud. O’Flynn writes such enchanting characters, and I’m so happy he brought Ava to life. Jan Rosenberg The Last Fifth Grade of Emerson Elementary by Laura Shovan Rioter Karina Glaser recommended this audiobook as one of the best of 2016 on the Book Riot end of year audiobook round-up, and I’m so glad I took the recommendation. The story is told through the poems of a fifth grade class dealing with the impending closing of their school in addition to more day-to-day problems that are no less serious or personal. The poetic nature made the audiobook was one of my favorites I’ve ever listed to 7 narrators doing 18 different voices bring the entire class and their stories to life but the form of the book makes me want to get a hard copy as well just to see the words and the ways the poems come together in acrostic and diamante poems. But in whatever form you like, just track this book down in one shape or another. Trisha Brown Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari I was having a bad Saturday. Facing a lot of doubt and running errands, this audiobook was at the library. Since I admire Aziz Ansari for his comedic writing and acting, I picked this up. Aziz improvises as he listens to the music cues and talks about recording this book. He discusses his mishaps with flirting via text, as well as worse transgressions, and how technology has changed courtship in this day and age. Priya Sridhar My Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalestier A YA novel about a boy who is the only person in his family to recognize his ten-year-old sister, Rosa, for what she is: a psychopath. It sounds like the premise of an episode of Law Order (and probably is), but this book really avoids the sensationalism of prime time TV. It looks at the nuances of psychopathic behavior, how that manifests in children, how it should be addressed by family members and therapists, and the nuances of living with such an unusual family dynamic. That being said, it’s creepy as hellif you enjoyed the slow-burn dread of Mother, Mother by Koren Zailckas, you’ll really dig this book. Katie McLain Nimona by Noelle Stevenson I told one of the women in my writing critique group that I was obsessed with Lumberjanes, and she was all, “Dude. You have to read Nimona.†A graphic novel by one of the cowriters of Lumberjanes, based on Stevenson’s web comic, Nimona spotlights the perfect pairing of a not-so-evil villain and his new sidekick, a shapeshifter with a dark side and a shady past. The novel was delightful. Silly. So much fun. And unexpected! ME WANT MOAR. Steph Auteri Our Short History by Lauren Grodstein (Algonquin, March 21, 2017). Despite the premise, this is an uplifting, life-affirming book. Karen is a 43-year old mother of a 6 year old boy, Jacob, and is dealing with Stage IV ovarian cancer. Jacob’s father broke up with Karen when she became pregnant, and now that Jacob wants to know his dad, she contacts him and finds out that hes more than happy to get to know his son. This gave me all the feels. I didnt want it to end. Jaime Herndon Piecing Me Together by Renée Watson A friend began raving about this immediately when she finished it, so when the Call Number Box included it as their February title and it hit my door the next day, I knew it was going to be a match made in reader heaven. This is powerful story about class, about how you find yourself, how you lose yourself, and what it means to be a black girl in America. Jade attends a fancy high school on scholarship, but she takes the bus from her poor neighborhood in Portland. When she’s recruited for a mentorship program and is taken around the city to visit places she’s never been able to before, Jade isn’t thrilled why does she, the poor girl, only get to see her city and not travel to a foreign country like many of her classmates get the opportunity to do? Watson writes with tremendous heart, but she doesn’t shy away from highlighting the tough moments of growing up, either. There is a really thoughtful exploration of friendship, particularly of the intersectional variety, as well as the microaggressions that can happen on a daily basis within them. Jade is a girl who describes herself as “big†in ways that authentically capture the feeling of having a body that doesn’t fit a certain mold and through the story, we see Jade is okay with this. It is simply who she is. This is a smart, savvy look at race; more than just looking at race relations, this delves into race challenges within the black community. It’s written in tight, taut prose and packs a punch in a few amount of pages. One of the best YA titles of 2017 so far. Kelly Jensen The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher I knew this was going to be good, so as I usually do, I put off reading it for a while. When I finally got to it, I was sucked in immediately. Carrie Fisher is at once hilarious and thought-provoking, and her commentary looking back on the time of the filming of Star Wars, as well as her diary entries, are fascinating. Im definitely going to read her other writing when I get the chance. Jessica Yang Portrait of the Alcoholic by Kaveh Akbar This slim collection of poetry is definitely filled with more energy than anything else I read in February. Don’t let the name mislead you. Yes, on one level Akbar’s chapbook examines the perplexities and defeats of addiction, but underneath there are more immediate inquiries about spiritual fatigue, the construct of masculinity, and finding meaning in the mundane. Given the title, perhaps it’s ironic that there are so many memorable lines and moments of bizarre clarity. It’s a new take on a timeless problem, one executed with more exuberance than ennui. I loved it. (Sibling Rivalry Press) Aram Mrjoian The Secret History of Las Vegas by Chris Abani Everything about this novel was fantastic which left me kicking myself for not having read Abani sooner but excited that I have his back catalog to dive into. The writing is excellent; the story is captivating, disturbing, and dark; and the fringe characters create so much uniqueness and depthfrom the conjoined twins (Fire and Water) to Sunil (a doctor that specializes in sociopaths)that I could not put this book down. Abani expertly blends literary fiction, mystery, and horror as a detective tries to solve a slew of murders which he becomes convinced must have been committed by the conjoined twins that he found bathing near a barrel filled of blood. Sunil, while not convinced the twins are murderers, is fascinated by understanding themwhen he’s not busy reliving his dark past or falling in love with Asia. Definitely a book that will stay with me a long time. Jamie Canaves Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward If you are looking for the heir to the mantle of Toni Morrison, look no further than Jesmyn Ward. In her new novel Ward dives into poverty, addiction, interracial relationships, and much more through the eyes of a young woman and her adolescent son. The story is tense and deftly narrated, but it is also deeply rooted in archetypes and magical realism. The everyday becomes the epic in this fantastic novel that is sure to appear on most Best Books of 2017 lists. Jessica Woodbury Unconventional by Maggie Harcourt I spent many happy hours binge reading this British YA novel set in the world of fan conventions. Lexi has been helping her dad run events her whole life, and shes great at it but meeting a hot new author has her flustered. This has all the things I love most about YA novels: its funny, emotionally intense, and just the right amount of sweet and, because it’s British, also full of delightfully awkward moments which are far more reminiscent of my adolescence than some of the rainbows and unicorns you sometimes get elsewhere. Note: you cant get this book in American bookstores (yet; I’m hoping US publishers see sense), but its available postage-free and at a low price on BookDepository.com. Claire Handscombe Version Control by Dexter Palmer Almost from the moment I picked it up, I was completely caught up in this book about a woman named Rebecca whose husband is building a causality violation device (not a time machine!). The early chapters of the book read like a typical relationship drama, but it’s set in the near future, and Rebecca gets these occasional feelings that something about the world just isn’t right. Then, everything changes, but no one seems to know it. What’s interesting is that even when circumstances change drastically, essential aspects of the characters remain the same. As you’d expect from a time travel causality violation novel, the plot gets kind of loopy, but the mind-bending qualities make the human story even more interesting. I had a great time reading this. Teresa Preston We Are Okay by Nina LaCour I, however, am definitely not okay after reading this book. I’m not usually one for quieter books, but gave this one a shot because I loved LaCour’s Everything Leads to You and am so glad I did because this book swept me away. It left me feeling hollowed out, but in a wonderfully cathartic way. LaCour effortlessly transitions from the near-past to the future scenes without any of the awkward feelings of displacement that can sometimes plague books told in that way. Also, I really want to go buy some nice soup bowls at a pottery shop. Sarah Nicolas
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Child Abuse Essay - 2354 Words
Child Abuse Child Abuse is harm done to a child; this person causing the abuse can be either a child or an adult. Sadly, child abuse has been practiced in all cultures, and in all ethics throughout the world. In certain places child abuse started to be noticed and considered as one of the major problems in society. It is normally caused by stress or an economic problem, the average of child abuse is frightfully high, which is unacceptable we should unite as a society to make this end throughout the entire world. Experts attribute to the recent increase in reporting that we need greater public awareness of child maltreatment, but societal groups don’t realize that this is a huge problem. There are several points of view on this certain†¦show more content†¦Some kids may also notice that the angrier the adult is the harsher the abuse will be, those parents who are usually abusive may believe that their children need to fear them in order to feel like there the max autho rity around their home. While emotional abuse is defined as constant attack of a child. It is important to recognize that the word is ‘constant’ meaning repeatedly. In this sort of abuse the children receive only negative messages and this leads to a bad influence in their life. This abuse always tend to result in psychological growth, other forms of abuse are the most difficult one of child abuse to stop but emotional abuse is by far the most hard on to identify, because it doesn’t result in physical evidence, it can be very hard to diagnose. Regardless if it’s hard to identify or not as a parent it should be their responsibility to notice something wrong on their own children, that’s basically the main of a parent. Although visible signs of emotional abuse can be difficult to identify, the hidden scars of this type of abuse show p in different behavioral ways. Emotionally abused children often grow up thinking that they are worthless, a tragedy ca se by this is that these children grow up thinking thatShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse Essay1749 Words  | 7 PagesLauren Arnold 3rd hour Mrs. Williams Effects of Abuse on Babies, Infants, and Toddlers Later in Life The causes of child abuse on infants, babies, and toddlers are catastrophic. There are several people who get abused from infancy to adultance. Each person who gets abused and survives the trauma is left with devastating memories. Many abused children come from homes that are disturbed, chaotic, and violent. (Markham). A child who has been abused is more likely to grow up into an angry teenagerRead MoreChild Abuse Essay1259 Words  | 6 Pages Beaten. Bruised. Broken. Everyday a child suffers from these, physically, verbally and sexually. You might be wondering how anyone could have a heart so weak and bitter to do perform these tasks on an innocent child. Everyday a child gets abused either physically, verbally or sexually by their so called caring parents who are supposed to love them and keep them in a safe and secure environment ironically in their home. Physical abuse is when you use actions instead of communicatingRead MoreChild Abuse Essay1837 Words  | 8 PagesChild Abuse Child abuse causes pain in children’s life, Child abuse is a major problem in the society Child sexual abuse is a big problem in our society today especially the sex trafficking the sex trafficking occurs when a human uses force or some kind of fraud. It’s like when an adult forces a minor to commit a sex act it’s when you are being forced to make someone else some money for themselves and that doesn’t benefit you. Trafficking is built on the economic principle buyers who are willingRead MoreChild Abuse Essay1817 Words  | 8 PagesBy definition, child abuse is the deliberate physical maltreatment or sexual molestation of a child by a caretaker. Hitting, beating, slamming against a wall, burning, and in severe cases, even killing. Why would anyone want to purposely hit an innocent child? While this is a question that many people wonder child abuse is actually more common than most people think. Every year more than 3.6 million referrals are made to chil d protection agencies with reports of child abuse. I argue throughout thisRead MoreChild Abuse- Social Problems Essays870 Words  | 4 PagesSocial Problems Child Abuse Child abuse is the physical, sexual, emotional mistreatment, or neglect of children. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or also known as CDC defines child abuse as any act or series of acts by a parent or other caregiver that could result in harm to a child. Most child abuse occurs in a childs home, but it could also be found within organizations, schools, or communities that the child interacts with. There are four majorRead MoreEssay on Child Abuse and Neglect1710 Words  | 7 Pagesrecent years child maltreatment has had an increase in the publics eye. There are many factors to child maltreatment. There are four general categories of child maltreatment now recognized. They are physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect and emotional maltreatment. Each category, in turn, covers a range of behavior. The maltreatment of children not only affects the children themselves, but also affects the family by making it dysfunctional. Physical Abuse      Physical abuse may be best definedRead More Child Abuse and Neglect Essay802 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"Child Abuse†nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Child abuse is a very serious and controversial issue that is escalating in today’s society. As we look back to the 1940’s and 1950’s, it was almost unheard of to let anyone outsideRead MoreEssay on Child Abuse and Neglect858 Words  | 4 Pagestheir parents will loose their temper and perhaps kill them. There are many types of child abuse, such as physical, sexual, and emotional. Physical abuse is physical injury as a result of punching, beating, kicking, biting, shaking, throwing, stabbing, choking, hitting, burning, or otherwise harming a child. Such injury is considered abuse regardless of whether the caretaker intended to hurt the child. Sexual abuse includes activities by a parent or caretaker such as fondling a childs genitals, penetrationRead More Child Abuse and Neglect Essay1139 Words  | 5 PagesChild Abuse is a very serious issue all throughout the world, in all different countries, cultures, and communities. The four main types of abuse are emotional abuse, physical abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse, and although emotional abuse and neglect are often overlooked, each has just as severe effects on children as sexual and physic al abuse (Saisan et al.). The many causes of all kinds of the abuse of children have devastating effects on the child’s life presently and later on in life. ThereRead More Child Abuse and Neglect Essay1480 Words  | 6 PagesWhen thinking about statistics on child abuse, it’s very helpful to know that the idea of â€Å"child abuse†is very controversial. Recently, in particular homes and cultures, child abuse has come to be seen as a major social problem and a main cause of many people’s suffering and personal problems. Some believe that we are beginning to face the true prevalence and significance of child abuse. There is more to child abuse than just the physical scars; children are affected socially, mentally, and emotionally
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Battle of Iwo Jima in World War II
The Battle of Iwo Jima was fought from February 19 to March 26, 1945, during World War II (1939-1945). The American invasion of Iwo Jima came after Allied forces had island-hopped across the Pacific and had conducted successful campaigns in the Solomon, Gilbert, Marshall, and Mariana Islands. Landing on Iwo Jima, American forces encountered much fiercer resistance than expected and the battle became one of the bloodiest of the war in the Pacific.  Forces Commanders Allies Admiral Raymond A. SpruanceMajor General Harry SchmidtVice Admiral Marc Mitscherup to 110,000 men Japanese Lieutenant General Tadamichi KuribayashiColonel Baron Takeichi Nishi23,000 men Background During 1944, the Allies achieved a series of successes as they island-hopped across the Pacific. Driving through the Marshall Islands, American forces captured Kwajalein and Eniwetok before pushing on to the Marianas. Following a victory at the Battle of the Philippine Sea in late June, troops landed on Saipan and Guam and wrested them from the Japanese. That fall saw a decisive victory at the Battle of Leyte Gulf and the opening of a campaign in the Philippines. As a next step, Allied leaders began developing plans for the invasion of Okinawa. Since this operation was intended for April 1945, Allied forces were faced with a brief lull in offensive movements. To fill this, plans were developed for the invasion of Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands. Located approximately mid-way between the Marianas and the Japanese Home Islands, Iwo Jima served as an early warning station for Allied bombing raids and provided a base for Japanese fighters to intercept approaching bombers. Additionally, the island offered a launching point for Japanese air attacks against the new American bases in the Marianas. In assessing the island, American planners also envisioned using it as a forward base for the anticipated invasion of Japan. Planning Dubbed Operation Detachment, planning for capturing Iwo Jima moved forward with Major General Harry Schmidts V Amphibious Corps selected for the landings. Overall command of the invasion was given to Admiral Raymond A. Spruance and the carriers Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitschers Task Force 58 were directed to provide air support. Naval transport and direct support for Schmidts men would be given by Vice Admiral Richmond K. Turners Task Force 51. Allied air attacks and naval bombardments on the island had commenced in June 1944 and had continued through the remainder of the year. It was also scouted by Underwater Demolition Team 15 on June 17, 1944. In early 1945, intelligence indicated that Iwo Jima was relatively lightly defended and given the repeated strikes against it, planners thought it could be captured within a week of the landings (Map). These assessments led Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz to comment, Well, this will be easy. The Japanese will surrender Iwo Jima without a fight. Japanese Defenses The believed state of Iwo Jimas defenses was a misconception that the islands commander, Lieutenant General Tadamichi Kuribayashi had worked to encourage. Arriving in June 1944, Kuribayashi utilized lessons learned during the Battle of Peleliu and focused his attention on building multiple layers of defenses that centered on strong points and bunkers. These featured heavy machine guns and artillery as well as held supplies to allow each strong point to hold out for an extended period. One bunker near Airfield #2 possessed sufficient ammunition, food, and water to resist for three months. Additionally, he elected to employ his limited number of tanks as mobile, camouflaged artillery positions. This overall approach broke from Japanese doctrine which called for establishing defensive lines on the beaches to combat invading troops before they could land in force. As Iwo Jima increasingly came under aerial attack, Kuribayashi commenced focusing on the construction of an elaborate system of interconnected tunnels and bunkers. Connecting the islands strong points, these tunnels were not visible from the air and came as a surprise to the Americans after they landed. Understanding that the battered Imperial Japanese Navy would not be able to offer support during an invasion of the island and that air support would be nonexistent, Kuribayashis goal was to inflict as many casualties as possible before the island fell. To this end, he encouraged his men to kill ten Americans each before dying themselves. Through this he hoped to discourage the Allies from attempting an invasion of Japan. Focusing his efforts on the northern end of the island, over eleven miles of tunnels were constructed, while a separate system honeycombed Mt. Suribachi at the southern end. The Marines Land As a prelude to Operation Detachment, B-24 Liberators from the Marianas pounded Iwo Jima for 74 days. Due to the nature of the Japanese defenses, these air attacks had little effect. Arriving off the island in mid-February, the invasion force took up positions. The American planned called for the 4th and 5th Marine Divisions to go ashore on Iwo Jimas southeastern beaches with the goal of capturing Mt. Suribachi and the southern airfield on the first day. At 2:00 AM on February 19, the pre-invasion bombardment commenced, supported by bombers. Heading towards the beach, the first wave of Marines landed at 8:59 AM and initially met little resistance. Sending patrols off the beach, they soon encountered Kuribayashis bunker system. Quickly coming under heavy fire from the bunkers and gun emplacements on Mt. Suribachi, the Marines began to take heavy losses. The situation was further complicated by the islands volcanic ash soil which prevented the digging of foxholes. Pushing Inland The Marines also found that clearing a bunker did not put it out of action as Japanese soldiers would use the tunnel network to make it operational again. This practice would be common during the battle and led to many casualties when Marines believed they were in a secure area. Utilizing naval gunfire, close air support, and arriving armored units, the Marines were slowly able to fight their way off the beach though losses remained high. Among those killed was Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone who had won the Medal of Honor three years earlier at Guadalcanal. Around 10:35 AM, a force of Marines led by Colonel Harry B. Liversedge succeeded in reaching the islands western shore and cutting off Mt. Suribachi. Under heavy fire from from the heights, efforts were made over the next few days to neutralize the Japanese on the mountain. This culminated with American forces reaching the summit on February 23 and the raising of the flag atop the summit. Grinding on to Victory As fighting raged for the mountain, other Marine units battled their way north past the southern airfield. Easily shifting troops through the tunnel network, Kuribayashi inflicted increasingly severe losses on the attackers. As American forces advanced, a key weapon proved to be flamethrower-equipped M4A3R3 Sherman tanks which were difficult to destroy and efficient at clearing bunkers. Efforts were also supported by the liberal use of close air support. This was initially provided by the Mitschers carriers and later transitioned to the P-51 Mustangs of the 15th Fighter Group after their arrival on March 6. Fighting to the last man, the Japanese made superb use of the terrain and their tunnel network, constantly popping out to surprise the Marines. Continuing to push north, the Marines encountered fierce resistance at the Motoyama Plateau and nearby Hill 382 during which the fighting bogged down. A similar situation developed to the west at Hill 362 which was riddled with tunnels. With the advance halted and casualties mounting, Marine commanders began changing tactics to combat the nature of the Japanese defenses. These include assaulting without preliminary bombardments and night attacks. Final Efforts By March 16, after weeks of brutal fighting, the island was declared secure. Despite this proclamation, the 5th Marine Division was still fighting to take Kuribayashis final stronghold at the northwest tip of the island. On March 21, they succeeded in destroying the Japanese command post and three days later closed the remaining tunnel entrances in the area. Though it appeared that the island was fully secured, 300 Japanese launched a final assault near Airfield No. 2 in the middle of the island on the night of March 25. Appearing behind the American lines, this force was ultimately contained and defeated by a mixed group of Army pilots, Seabees, engineers, and Marines. There is some speculation that Kuribayashi personally led this final attack. Aftermath Japanese losses in the fighting for Iwo Jima are subject to debate with numbers ranging from 17,845 killed to as high as 21,570. During the fighting only 216 Japanese soldiers were captured. When the island was declared secured again on March 26, approximately 3,000 Japanese remained alive in the tunnel system. While some carried on limited resistance or committed ritual suicide, others emerged to scavenge for food. US Army forces reported in June that they had captured an additional 867 prisoners and killed 1,602. The final two Japanese soldiers to surrender were Yamakage Kufuku and Matsudo Linsoki who lasted until 1951. American losses for Operation Detachment were a staggering 6,821 killed/missing and 19,217 wounded. The fighting for Iwo Jima was the one battle in which American forces sustained a greater number of total casualties than the Japanese. In the course of the struggle for the island, twenty-seven Medals of Honor were awarded, fourteen posthumously. A bloody victory, Iwo Jima provided valuable lessons for the upcoming Okinawa campaign. In addition, the island fulfilled its role as a waypoint to Japan for American bombers. During the final months of the war, 2,251 B-29 Superfortress landings occurred on the island. Due to heavy cost to take the island, the campaign was immediately subjected to intense scrutiny in the military and press.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Work Experience Free Essays
The first day of work experience, typically, I felt quite petrified to be honest. The Idea of working with people I’ve never met before and the humungous amount of mistakes I could make all added to the fear of getting killed on the way there! The story started when I realised I had to find a work experience placement two years ago in September, and I wanted to work in a hospital. Unfortunately I was considered too young, as you had to be sixteen to work in a hospital, and with my dreams crushed, I decided that I’ll never find a placement. We will write a custom essay sample on My Work Experience or any similar topic only for you Order Now I did eventually get over it and tried to apply to a pharmacy six months later. Again I was told that all the places had been filled. At this point, I decided to ask Ms. Patel for help. Being as lazy as I was, I â€Å"couldn’t be bothered†, until a few weeks in July when my tutor pressed me. I went in the afternoon, and looked at the list for pharmacies that I could work at. Thinking I was one of the luckiest kids alive, I noticed there were two! Then I realised that both were gone, and I was going to end up driving a ice cream van for the rest of my life. After explaining my problem to her, Ms. Patel suggested working at CHAS, as a previous student had enjoyed it immensely! Instead of using my common sense and asking what CHAS was, I automatically said â€Å"YES†! I woke up on the first morning excited and yet nervous at the same time. I didn’t know how any of this would go. Would I be able to go a whole week without messing up or setting fire to the place? That day I woke up at around six thirty, and left the house at eight. Once I got to the station I was shocked that my train ticket was five pound. After muttering a few inaudible words, I got onto the train and went to Edgware road station. When I got out of the station, and took few news papers, I headed towards the office. Before I went in though, I just had to use some breath spray. As I walked down the steps of the entrance and stood outside the door, I noticed the door had two unmarked buttons, and a speaker system. I just stood there thinking, â€Å"Oh umm, now what um†¦ eenie meenie mynie, mo? â€Å", and just as I pressed a button a voice said â€Å"Hello? â€Å". Now this part, I’m quite ashamed of what I did, I panicked! â€Å"Hi! I’m†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. the um†¦. err†¦.. work experience kid? †like I was a plumber or something. Just then, the door buzzed open and I walked in. I don’t actually remember the first person I saw, but I remember that it was Theresa who introduced me to everyone else. I was too busy wetting myself to memorize any of the names. Then she introduced me to Barry, who was the CEO, which was when I had to say something. I said a meek hello and was told that the person who was going to â€Å"look after me†, which I translated to â€Å"would boss me around†would be there in about an hour, though I still had no idea who it was since neither Barry nor Theresa had given me any other information. I was confused, until I turned around and realised I was an hour early. The day hadn’t even started and I had already made my first mistake. I was then seated at a desk, and told to get settled. I guess I could count myself lucky that my supervisor, Brano, was early that day, and since I had started getting a little more confident during the last forty minutes of silence, I said â€Å"You must be Mr. Brano†. Later I learned Brano was his nickname. After being re-seated, I went into an interview room, and I was told all about the office and finally it struck home that I was spending two weeks at a solicitor’s office. The first thing I did after being settled was to familiarise myself with everything they did at Chas and learn all about things like programmes, clients and other things offices use. It was such a rush in the morning, and I found myself loving every minute of it. The boring part was when didn’t have anything to do. I literally had to ask for more work, while I assumed that my friends had were buried in work up to their necks. As Brano was quite busy, and was getting sick of me pestering him for more work, he told me to start a â€Å"Diary of Work Experience†. Personally I hated the Idea, as I find writing my thoughts and feelings down has got to be the strangest way to make yourself emotionally stable, or maybe I was just really lazy, but I decided that it would give me something to do during the next two weeks when they didn’t need the help of an under qualified child. As assumed, I did end up having quite a lot of time on my hands. While I was working on this, I kept noticing that my â€Å"colleagues†kept answering the phone. That may sound like a weird thing to say, but you tend to let anything distract you when you’re bored. I suddenly had a strange desire to answer the phone, so I decided to ask Brano. I got a reply e-mail saying â€Å"wait until the afternoon, and then I’ll tell you what to say†. It turns out that all you had to do was to say â€Å"CHAS Central London, How may I help you? †like I was a marketing assistant. The day finally came to an end, and after saying a brief goodbye to Brano, and Arefa, who turned out to be the receptionist, I left the office. Even though I was tired, I felt great. I loved working, which is really strange. I decided it was much better than being stuck in school doing maths. The next day I went to work right on time, and the train ticket still cost me five pound! I came to work, and started doing some normal receptionist work. This is where the work started to get interesting. After a few hours of helping Arefa with her work, I was introduced to a programme called â€Å"Casetrack†. It was basically software which allowed the Case-workers, or solicitors, to keep records of each client they deal with. Brano then showed me how to input information, and keep records. Turned out that CHAS had over 12,000 cases, how stressful! No wonder they were always busy. After another day of repetitive work, I still hadn’t lost my keenness and still wanted to do more work. Day three in my story, and for the afternoon I was bored out of my mind as there was nothing to do except my diary. The only useful thing I did that day was learn how to use the photocopying machine, little did I know that would prove extremely useful. Just as I thought the day would be really dull Barry informed me that I would start to help a colleague of mine who was leaving called Julie. That afternoon, I decided I was the luckiest person in the world as I got to use the shredder. Looking back on it now, it seems strange I could have an obsession with a machine that does nothing but rip paper. After shredding a ton of documents, Julie asked me to photocopy over five hundred pages work of book, after I ended up doing over-time, I realised I have a major problem saying â€Å"no†. Finally I got to go home, and on the train I had an epiphany, I loved doing overtime! Day four, was when the long repetitive chain of office work started, and I also started to help other people with the reports, and take phone messages, help Arefa with typical administrative work and other boring jobs. I must admit I loved doing these typically boring things, mainly because it was a completely new experience for me. During the afternoon, I decided to converse with my colleagues, and I realised that I should have started to converse the day I got there, and it doesn’t help to keep to yourself quiet in the workplace. During the next few days, I saw two colleagues leave, and two new colleagues join. I must say I found the people there one of the most important aspects of work experience. I also discovered a market right behind the office, the only bad thing was the boredom and the repetitive work. The highlight at the end of the week was the money. I got paid for all my travel expenses, which came to a very high twenty-five pound, imagine how much gum I could buy with that! The next week seemed to have a routine to it, I got up later and came to work fifteen minutes later each day to save the company money, as I felt guilty for charging them twenty-five pound a week. I got on the tube, came to the office, and got on with my work. It was a boring routine, but there were new and exciting experiences each day for me, and one personal highlight was seeing a London bus with the lyrics of â€Å"Amarillo†on the side, like a karaoke machine. The other thing I noticed was that I was doing so much overtime. It was amazing. I was actually willingly doing extra work, and I hate extra work. I suppose the thing that made me want to stay was that after four where most people worked slowly and spent more time â€Å"chatting†, rather than ignoring everything around them and working too hard! I suppose that after a hard day’s work, a nice chat with your colleagues really doesn’t hurt! The final day was actually extremely relaxed, which was a massive contrast from the first Friday, and though I had a mountain of work, I managed to get it done by the afternoon. For the rest of the day, I finished my diary, and though I did tried, I couldn’t find anything more to do. Since everyone else decided to go out, I got stuck babysitting the office. After I got back from my lunch break, which was at three, I was given a card and twenty pound as a gift. I knew I couldn’t take it, but they insisted, and after protesting, and being told to â€Å"stop being silly†I decided that it would be best if I just took the money. By five, it was time to leave CHAS forever, which was quite depressing. As soon as one of the colleagues I had worked with got on the train and left me at Baker Street station, the realisation hit me that I’d never see CHAS again. After getting home, I sat on the sofa and thought about how great my two weeks of work experience had been, about the people I had met, and about what it had taught me. I had learned so many new manual skills, and how to use different kinds of machinery. However, the most important thing I learned was how to behave at work, and about how the world of work is really different from the sheltered world that is school. How to cite My Work Experience, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Destin Brass Products Co. Case Study Essay Example For Students
Destin Brass Products Co. Case Study Essay Destin Brass Products Co. has been established and grown to bring forth valves ( 24 % of the company gross ) , pumps ( 55 % of the company gross ) , and flow accountants ( 21 % of the company gross ) . This paper will exemplify the recommended solutions for the direction of the company that are seeking to measure the competitory tendencies of the market for the mentioned merchandises, and seeking to get down new schemes to cover with these tendencies. Finance and accounting, as mentioned by Ambler ( 2008 ) are the necessities and footing to the short and long being of any type of companies. The high fight of market requires that all types of concerns have a comprehensive apprehension to the costs and net incomes in much item in order to ease determination doing procedure. In Destin Brass instance, the company tried to set up a high trade name name for bring forthing the valves, but subsequently as an enlargement to the concern, the company included two new merchandise lines which are the pumps and the flow accountants maintaining in head the similarities of productions and the handiness of the productions capacity. Destin Brass did non hold a distinguished rival in the valves market because of the high quality of the valves produced, but there is a monolithic competition in the pump and flow accountants market. This paper will capture a clip of the company concern where there is a high competition on the pumps monetary values and the solution of increasing the monetary values of the flow accountants did non alter the market. The direction is in demand to reconsider its fiscal scheme in order to face competition. Outline1 The fiscal analysis2 Merchandise costs as per the ABC information3 Comparing the ABC with the criterion and the revised unit costs4 Strategic deductions of the fiscal analysis5 The following month consequences6 Decision The fiscal analysis After measuring the current fiscal state of affairs of Destin Brass, The analysis hereby will join forces to reply the direction inquiries, and illustrations of the below solutions had been used by concern and it proved to hold an influence of determination devising procedure sing the company scheme. The solutions are as follows: Merchandise costs as per the ABC information From the given information in the instance survey, there is a connexion between the merchandises costs and the costs incurred by the activities related to the productions of each merchandise line. The reply to this issue is to fix cost estimations for the three merchandises by using the necessities of the activity based costing, table 1 shows that the ABC costs of the valves is 37.8, the pumps is 48.82, and the flow accountants is $ 100.63. The ABC method attempts to link the indirect costs to the merchandises, and accordingly handle them as direct costs. Based on the instance analyze fiscal information, the computations in table 1 have been prepared by utilizing the followers: Making a cost pool for the machine depreciation and care cost, and apportion the merchandises based on machine hours. Making a cost pool for having and material handling costs by ciphering the figure of minutess consumed for every merchandise. Making a cost pool for technology costs by ciphering how much technology is consumed by each merchandise. Comparing the ABC with the criterion and the revised unit costs In this comparing, it will look the cost of each merchandise under the three types of bing computation methods and the ground why they are different. Table 2 shows the comparing. The three bing methods dainty direct costs which are run labour and stuff, in the same manner. Furthermore, fiscal experts support the thought that direct costs is non the existent job as this can be tracked to the merchandise, but the issue is that bing computations gets complicated when seeking to apportion the operating expenses ( Indirect costs ) . The allotment of operating expenses is where the differences in costs come under the three bing methods. .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823 , .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823 .postImageUrl , .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823 , .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823:hover , .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823:visited , .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823:active { border:0!important; } .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823:active , .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823 .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4341d028f4aff77e19a9595657a76823:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Climate change (term paper) EssayIn the criterion cost accounting there is no attempt made to track the operating expense costs to the merchandises. It is believed that indirect costs can non be related with the merchandises that s why they are summarised and so allocated to the merchandises based on the given allotment factor ( cost driver ) . In Destin Brass instance, the operating expenses which include the receiving and stuffs managing, packing and transportation, and depreciation and care for $ 680.000 per month, are allocated based on the tally labour dollars. Consequently, every merchandise is allocated a per centum of the operating expenses in the same ratio that t he merchandise consume of labor ( valves 0.5 tally hours per unit, pumps 0.5 tally per unit, and flow accountants 0.4 run per unit ) . See table 3 for inside informations. The revised cost accounting makes portion of the indirect costs as direct. The stuff and handling costs are treated in a separate manner, but non the best cost driver had been chosen ( direct stuff dollars ) , as it would be seen in the ABC. Furthermore, setup labor is assigned straight based on the apparatus hours for which information is available. The staying operating expenses are allocated on the footing of machine hours. As mentioned by Peggy Alford, this gives an thought why rivals are cutting monetary values on pumps. It is now clear that costs of the pumps is overstated utilizing the criterion bing method while the costs of the valves are unostentatious. But, bing can be improved particularly that the flow accountants monetary value is non truly explained that they are cheaper to bring forth than it was calculated by the criterion bing method. The ABC method paths every bit much as possible of the indirect disbursals of the merchandises and services. So any disbursal incurred of a merchandise is straight charged to that peculiar merchandise instead than distributing the disbursal over all the merchandises. When disbursals incurred of a figure of merchandises, they are gathered and allocated based on a proper cost driver. In this manner, the allotment will be done in proportion to the existent costs ingestion by all the merchandises. Table 1 had shown the ABC costs computations for the three merchandises. Now, we can see that flow accountants have been subsidised by pumps and selling them for $ 97.07 is loss devising ( be $ 100.63 ) instead than at 42 % gross border. But, subsidizing flow accountants had made pumps less profitable while selling monetary value of $ 81.26 corresponds to 43.37 % gross border. The costs of the valves are the same under both the criterion and the ABC methods. Strategic deductions of the fiscal analysis Harmonizing to Bhimani et La ( 2008 ) , extremely competition concern environment requires a comprehensive costs understanding, and a proper costing scheme is indispensable to ease determination doing. In Destin Brass instance, the direction is confronting a determination whether to travel on in the pumps market in malice of the monetary values autumn and decreasing net income borders or to cut this concern line and dressed ore merely on the valves and the flow accountant s merchandises which are profitable. But, doing a determination following the standard costing method would hold caused black effects for the company as it would cut the profitable merchandise and concentrate on merchandises that are selling at a loss. Destin Brass is an ideal illustration of how critical is to hold an accurate bing method to follow to supply strategic determination devising. But, in malice of the importance of the fiscal and accounting information that the bing method will supply, the direction vis ion should be supported by the information non merely dictated by the accounting information. The following month consequences In the clip where cost accounting does non count for the cost allotment to find the costs of the merchandises, it does non impact the bottom line. Here, presuming that the measures of the productions and the gross revenues, stock list, selling monetary values stay the same, and the monetary values of stuff, labor, managing remains the same. The net net income would be the same as the net net income of the last month. The bottom line will be affected in instance the consequences demoing in the ABC method are considered and the merchandising monetary values are adjusted. .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a , .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a .postImageUrl , .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a , .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a:hover , .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a:visited , .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a:active { border:0!important; } .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a:active , .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u491145dbfcef4174cfeec976c969703a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Antonin Scalia EssayDecision The costing methods used to place the strengths and failing of the concern public presentation helps direction to make up ones mind whether operations require any betterments. This indicates that the inaccurate costing allotment can take to either over or under pricing. Consequently, this will forestall the direction from taking the company to do higher net income, retain clients or take the company to wrong strategic determinations.
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